Change Your Perception to Change Your Reality

There are many findings from empirical and experiential research indicating that how we perceive creates, strengthens or changes our next reality. This public service e-book by CCLFI can help you verify this quantum physics principle through your own experience by following the suggested practices at the end of every chapter.

This book hopes to convey to the readers, YOU, how powerful they can be when they learn to apply this principle in HOW YOU VIEW yourself, other people, nature, life, and God.

To give you an idea of the scope of the book, here are its 18 chapters:

  1. Your Attention Selects Your Next Reality
  2. Shifting Away from Fear, Hate, and Judgment
  3. Does the Earth Belong to Man, or Does Man Belong to the Earth?
  4. From Problem to Opportunity
  5. Are plants sentient?
  6. From External Dependence to Internal Control
  7. Positivize Your Perception of a Family Member, Relative, or Friend
  8. Replace Scarcity with Abundance Mindset
  9. Shift Your Attention to the Here and Now
  10. Do We Have a Soul?
  11. From Ego to Soul
  12. You Are a Creator of New Realities
  13. Shift Your Perspective: from Impossible to Possible
  14. Pay More Attention to Your Intangible Assets
  15. Lay Yourself Up Treasures in Heaven (=Intangible Assets)
  16. From a Judgmental God to an Unconditionally Loving God
  17. Shift Your Self-Image from Powerless to Powerful
  18. Is God Far, Far Away in Heaven?

Give this book a try. Its benefits are awaiting you. Download the book for free by clicking HERE.