Living in Our Hearts








The Rhema  Practice Group offers their stories and essays in this book to provide its readers with insights, lessons, and practices for an important life skill: living in our hearts.

Do you notice that sometimes what your body wants is not the same as what your heart says? You wake up on a Sunday morning; your body wants to go back to sleep but your heart tells you it is time to dress up and go to church. Oftentimes most people live in their ego-minds, a habit prone to poor relationships and negative emotions and automatic reactions such as keeping an offense (for years), defensiveness, judgments, fear, criticisms, low self-esteem, and many others. The real YOU is your heart-soul, the child of God. 

Learn practical tips such as:

  • Simple actions to make your body produce “feel good” hormones
  • Shift from fear and judgment to love and acceptance
  • The difference between operating in your ego-mind and living in your heart
  • Spiritual release follows forgiveness
  • Goodwill overcame bias

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