Director for International Projects
Daan Boom is an expert in designing and implementing structures and business processes to implement or to improve organizational learning and knowledge sharing. His exposure to the concepts of knowledge management, learning and communication started when he was tasked, among others, with developing and implementing KPMG’s global knowledge sharing platform. The successful implementation resulted in a Director’s nomination. In 2002 he joined, first as consultant, later as fixed staff, as Head Knowledge Management of the Asian Development Bank in Manila. The KM Framework, approved by ADB Management in 2004, continued to serve as ADB KM strategy and KM is firmly anchored in ADB 2030 Strategy. After ADB implementation he joined in various knowledge management and learning positions at ICIMOD (Nepal), African Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank, World Bank, UNDP, and UNICEF. Currently he supports the Local Government and Engineering Department (Bangladesh), the largest department with over 13.000 staff in a transformation process to use data, information and knowledge to build climate resilient local infrastructures. With a master in Library and Information Management and a doctorate in social science, Daan combines technology with social structures (People, Processes and Technology). In his approach he uses common management principles and methodologies of change management (ADKAR) and SPRINT (part of SCRUM) as success factors of implementing learning and knowledge sharing in organizations in small digestible steps. Each step is focused on a business need.