Welcome to the Course!
Welcome to the 40th class (Second Semester, 2022-2023) !
Knowledge Management (KM) is the topic of the elective graduate course Technology Management 298 taught by Dr. Serafin Talisayon this semester at the University of the Philippines Technology Management Center. It is the first KM course in the Philippines and has been taught by him for over two decades. To grow the discipline of KM in the Philippines, Dr. Talisayon co-founded two non-profit foundations: the KM Association of the Philippines and the Center for Conscious Living Foundation, Inc. or CCLFI. The for-profit sister corporation of the latter, the Community and Corporate Learning for Innovation (also CCLFI), supports this publicly-accessible KM course website to enable TM 298 students - who are mostly working students - to conveniently participate 24/7 in the KM course and also to promote its public advocacy for KM.
Especially if you are a manager, KM demands not only learning new perspectives, but unlearning old ones that no longer work. In a global economy that is increasingly knowledge-based, knowledge management (KM) is essential. Survival of corporations depends on enterprise-wide capacities for managing knowledge, learning and innovation.
KM requires practice. Your grade in this course will depend largely on how you select, design and implement a practicum in your workplace.